Flood Management
Stormwater Pipe
Network Design
Rain Garden
Stormwater Delay
& Purification
Stormwater Management
Stormwater management should always include a level of purification, delay and prevention of flooding.
Stormwater investigation or stormwater plan is done to select stormwater management facilities to meet stormwater guidelines or specific requirements for recipient water bodies. This should be done before expansion or development of any area, getting building permits and for any already developed area to solve stormwater management issues.
BAHAPDE’s stormwater investigation usually contains detailed analysis of runoff, flow and pollution. Flood investigation is very essential in an early phase to analyze the risks and to avoid damage in urban areas.
Flood Management & Modelling
Flood investigation services offer stormwater pipe network and overland flood modelling and mapping for extreme rain events. For hydraulic and hydrological modelling, we combine satellite imagery, topographic data, hydrological analysis to simulate and predict highly accurate flood scenarios.
Flood mapping is a vital part of every development. By visualizing flood prone areas, vulnerable infrastructure, and potential stormwater flow patterns, these services help you identify potential risks and develop effective strategies to prevent or minimize flood damage.
Rainbed/Rain Garden
Stormwater designs create green area and we are the experts.
BAHAPDE is working with upstream solutions, which means lower cost for delay and purification and reduced risk of flooding.
Rain gardens or rainbeds are biofilters for stormwater management in urban areas. BAHAPDE’s unique design for rainbeds along the watershed delays and purifies runoff and reduces flooding.
There are countless benefits of blue-green delay and purification solutions for stormwater close to the source. More trees in urban areas create shadow and heat reduction. Trees and plants nurture the ecosystem with flowers, insects, and birds – and you can enjoy a greener, cooler, and cleaner city environment.
Stormwater Pipe Network Design
A stormwater pipe network consists of a series of inlets, manholes, and pipes that collect and convey stormwater runoff from streets to the recipient. These networks are designed to carry runoff from smaller return period rain events.
The primary objective is to collect, convey, and ultimately dispose of stormwater to minimize frequent flooding, improve runoff quality and prevent damage to infrastructure and environment.
The design services include analysis of existing and post-development condition, design and dimensioning of different kinds of flow transportation, delay facilities and purification facilities based on requirements/feasibility study.
Stormwater Delay & Purification
In urban areas, it is very important that the inhabitants have all the modern facilities. Flooded homes and roads are not acceptable at all. Stormwater delay facilities are like the silent friend who is there in times of need!
With BAHAPDE’s unique design for delay facilities, it is possible to control and equalize stormwater flow runoff in post-development scenarios and ensure a safer urban environment. These facilities are designed and tested with powerful computer programs.
Let’s get in touch
Are you interested to know more about how we can help you?
Don’t hesitate to send us an email.